03/09/2023 21:26:58 الاخبار الاحوازیه

The Iranian Regime's Poisonous Policy Samir yassin

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The Iranian Regime's Poisonous Policy Samir yassin #صوت_الأحواز #ثورة_الشعوب_في_ايران #الجبهة_العربية_لتحرير_الأحواز

                    أدناه مقال باللغة الانجليزية كتبها المناضل سمير ياسين امين عام الجبهة العربية لتحرير الأحواز حول جريمة تسميم الطالبات في دولة الأحواز العربية المحتلة وباقي المدن في ايران...اليكم الترجمة العربية لملخص من هذا المقال:


السياسة المسمومة للنظام الايراني 

بدأ النظام بتسميم الطلاب في عدة مدن عبر البلاد خلال الأسابيع القليلة الماضية ، بعد تصاعد الانتفاضة ضد النظام.
أبرزت التقارير الواردة من وسائل الإعلام المحلية ومنظمات حقوق الإنسان الدولية أعمال النظام الوحشية واللا إنسانية.
اتُهمت الحكومة الإيرانية باستخدام الأسلحة الكيميائية لاستهداف الطلاب الأبرياء لقمع الثورة والمعارضين. وقد أدان المجتمع الدولي هذه الأعمال ، ويجب محاسبة مرتكبيها.
كانت عواقب تصرفات النظام الإيراني مدمرة، بحيث أصيب مئات الطلاب بالتسمم ، وعانى الكثير منهم من مضاعفات صحية طويلة الأمد. كانت آثار السم شديدة بشكل خاص بالنسبة لأولئك الذين تعرضوا له لفترة طويلة من الزمن.


The Iranian Regime's Poisonous Policy

The regime has started poisoning students in several cities across the country during the last few weeks after the increasing uprising against the regime.
Reports from local media outlets and international human rights organizations have highlighted the regime's cruel and inhumane actions.
The Iranian government has been accused of using chemical weapons to target innocent students in order to suppress dissent and opposition. These actions have been condemned by the international community, and the perpetrators must be held accountable.
The consequences of the Iranian regime's actions have been devastating. Hundreds of students have been poisoned, with many of them suffering from long-term health complications. The effects of the poison have been especially severe for those who have been exposed to it for a prolonged period of time.
The Iranian government's actions have been condemned by the international community. Calls for justice have been made, and the perpetrators must be held accountable for their crimes.
The international community has responded with outrage to the Iranian regime's actions. The United Nations has called for an investigation into the matter, and the European Union has imposed sanctions on the country. Human rights organizations have also spoken out against the regime's actions.
The Iranian regime must be held accountable for its actions. The international community must continue to pressure the regime to ensure that justice is served and that the perpetrators of this heinous crime are brought to justice.
The impact of the poisonings has been far-reaching. Many of the students who were poisoned have suffered long-term health complications and have been unable to return to their studies. The Iranian regime's actions have also had a chilling effect on the country's youth, as many have become fearful of voicing their opinions.
The Iranian government must be held accountable for its actions. The international community must continue to pressure the regime to ensure that justice is served and that the perpetrators of this heinous crime are brought to justice.
The Need for Justice
The Iranian regime must be held accountable for its actions. The international community must continue to pressure the regime to ensure that justice is served and that the perpetrators of this heinous crime are brought to justice. It is only through justice that the victims of the poisonings can find some solace.
The Iranian government must be held accountable for its actions. The international community must continue to pressure the regime to ensure that justice is served and that the perpetrators of this heinous crime are brought to justice.
The Iranian regime's actions have been condemned by the international community, and the perpetrators must be held accountable for their crimes. It is only through justice that the victims of the poisonings can find some solace. The international community must also continue to pressure the regime to ensure that such atrocities are never repeated.
The Iranian government must be held accountable for its actions. The international community must continue to pressure the regime to ensure that justice is served and that the perpetrators of this heinous crime are brought to justice. Only then can change be brought about in the country.
Samir Yassin.